Saturday 21 March 2009

today i went back to work on an early shift, which for you clueless out there means a 7 am start, and a 5 pm finish.
of course i hate it. i hate earlies, i hate nights...come to think of it i think i hate shift work after all! which technically means i'm in the wrong job altogether, but that will be a different post one day i'll manage to write.
i've been on leave for nearly three weeks and no one has noticed. you'd think that the moment you leave the office everyone would go: "where is she?? she can't be on leave!! surely, however will we manage without her??!!". but the fact is that no, you're just a figure, you're a statistics, you're a pin number onto your windows account.
oh they did ask where i'd been, presuming that since i'd not been in for a while i had been one of the following: on leave, made redundant or dead. and since corpses don't talk (except on telly, that is) they automatically excluded the deceased variant. forget the redundancy, where i work it's not contemplated, since idiots never stop harassing us, you need all the people you can get to keep up.
so really the only option available in the end is the annual leave one. but that's not glamorous unless you've been to fiji...and if you're back it means your holiday is finished, so it's already a thing of the past. so next time, i'll pretend i was off dead and then somehow came back to life, to make it interesting.

Thursday 19 March 2009

so this morning i went to the doctor. minor ailment really, just a bit of knee trouble.
i love him really, he's a great guy, not ancient but has been in the job for a while, so not keen anymore to keep up with the nhs and its ridiculous demands. i spent with him approximately 25 minutes, of which about 15 spent talking about his boat. which i don't mind, it's fine, i'll chat and be merry. but in credit crunch times, talking about taking your boat for spins around the mediterranean sea and what not sorts of bothers me a bit.
considering i've not had a holiday in over 3 years.
and the most i can afford is brighton pier.
it's sunny! sunshine is the life of things, even dull and grey manc becomes something quite wonderful when basked in that lovely yellow light. rejoice!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

checking out the university's website, trying out my passwords and what is rather exciting. you work hard for something and then finally it comes along. i'm happy! i'll give it the best shot i have and some: roll on monday!
ooooooohhhhhh mai tai: invented by the gods, perfected by drunkards, appreciated by moi :)
i'm a writer deep inside, i know. so how come i'm getting writer's block for this?? we all have to start at some point so i'll start from today, my hubby's birthday.
looking forward to going into tgi's in a bit for a bit (a lot) of eating and a touch of drinking. i've been craving a mai tai forever now, and finally am going to get ultimate mai tai: the barrell version of mai tais! :)